He escapes Areo's guards by riding into the sands of Dorne. Her horse rears, however, and Darkstar succeeds only in slicing off her ear and scarring her face. Amidst the fighting, Gerold attempts to kill Myrcella. Gerold agrees since they are outnumbered, but Myrcella's bodygyard, Ser Arys Oakheart of the Kingsguard, rides to his death in an attack on Areo. Īrianne's party is surprised at the Greenblood by Areo Hotah, who orders them to surrender. Gerold is skeptical of Arianne's plan to provoke Queen Regent Cersei Lannister. At Shandystone, Arianne admits to her other conspirators that she only included Darkstar for his fighting prowess and his keep, High Hermitage. Gerold allies himself with Princess Arianne Martell when she attempts to crown Princess Myrcella Baratheon in place of her younger brother, King Tommen I Baratheon.